Articles on: Modules

Module Calendar (formerly Schedule)

You will in this article how to create schedules for employees.

Calendar module - Schedules

How to add a schedule:

Click on the selected day.
On the right, click on + Add schedule.
Select schedule type. Fixed hours of start and end, or Flexible with option to set number of working hours.
Additional options
Overtime schedule – the whole day is counted as overtime.
Count overtime before schedule – if employee clocks in before the schedule, every minute will be counted as an overtime
Count overtime after schedule - if employee clocks out after the schedule, every minute will be counted as an overtime
Add automatic break - after selecting this option, specify the duration in minutes for the day. As a result, users do not have to report an event break manually.
Optionally you can define the position.
Click Save.
*The schedule has been planned. Now select employees and click the blue button Publish.
That’s all!

Publish ✅

It’s the approval of prepared Schedule. Until you don’t publish Schedule, it will not be available for employees.
Remember to select the employees to whom you want to publish the work schedule - then the Publish button will become active.


On the left side, you can always filter or search for specific people.
Additionally, we offer options:
Hide published schedules - so you can quickly display the view with only unpublished artwork awaiting publication.
Hide empty teammates - you will clear the list of employees who have no data assigned to them.

Icon i in a circle next to the employee's name

It means that user has pending request/s.
When you hover the cursor over the icon, the details will be displayed.

Time off 🏖️

If the employee has planned a vacation for the day on which he has been assigned a schedule, then the schedule and vacation information will be displayed simultaneously in the work schedule view.

➡️ The pending request is marked with a blue frame around the employee's name and on the day on which it occurs.
After clicking on this day in details on the right, just click on the application to Approve / Reject.

Business Trip ✈️

If employees have a delegation planned for the day on which the schedule is assigned to them, then the work schedule view will simultaneously display a schedule with information (name) about the delegation.


Icons may also appear on shifts:
A cup with a hot drink - means an automatic break planned in the schedule.
Clock - means that the schedule has the option of counting overtime before and/or after the work schedule.
The legend is always available on the left side.

Wizards 📅

The wizard is available on the top right. It allows you to plan the same work schedule for more than one employee at the same time for a selected period of time (e.g. a whole month), with just a few clicks.It allows you to quickly add a schedule for selected people, for example from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Delete the shift 🗑️

To delete schedule click on the selected day and click the three dots in schedule in details on the right side.

Deleting multiple graphics at once ✨ Actions

Select the employees for whom you want to delete the entire currently displayed work schedule, then click Actions in the top bar on the right and click Delete schedules.
💡 Remember to Publish changes.

✨ Actions (bulk actions)

This button offers three options:
Delete all unpublished - Deletes all unpublished changes and restores irrevocably to the last published version of the work schedule.
Delete schedule - Deletes the entire currently displayed work schedule for selected employees.
Copy schedule to... - Copy the entire, currently displayed work schedule of the selected user to another selected user.

Three dots - on the top right

By clicking on the three dots icon in the upper right corner, we have additional options to choose from:
Print - the program will automatically generate a planned schedule in PDF format ready for printing.
Download Schedules - download a work schedule to a selected file saving the planned work schedule to a file.
Download Time Offs - download time offs to a selected file saving all requests to a file.
View settings - Group work schedules by hours. Combines the same artwork into one longer tile. It also makes the view more pleasant when planning many schedules for one day.

Updated on: 12/06/2024

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